
Radio Operator with Spectrum Analyzer

Radiophonics of the Vietnam War

Jan Philip Müller: Radiophonics of the Vietnam War: A Collection, in: continent 5(3),7 (9.2016).

The "Acoubouy", an acoustic surveillance device used for the "electronic wall" between North- and South Vietnam; the "Good Moooorning Vietnam" of the American Forces Vietnam Network (AFVN), "Hanoi Hannah" of Radio Hanoi, "Dave Rabbit" of the GI pirate radio "Radio First Termer" or "Ghost Tape #10" that US psychological operations units played at high volume into the Vietnamese jungle: By drawing together different stories on radiophonics and acoustic techniques in the Vietnam War this collection aims to sketch out a shift in sonic topologies, that may be called a 'becoming-environmental' of sound.


„…, als habe dort niemals eine Insel gestanden.“

Jost Eickmeyer & Antje Tumat: „…, als habe dort niemals eine Insel gestanden.“ Wolfgang Hildesheimers und Hans Werner Henzes Das Ende einer Welt als Erzählung und Rundfunkoper, in: literatur für leser 38 (2016)(15/3), 169-186.

In Das Ende einer Welt, the first grotesque narration from "Lieblose Legenden," Wolfgang Hildesheimer is describing the fall of the old Europe, its art, music and culture (as his readers had just in mind in the year of his first publication 1952). His text is the basis for Hans Werner Henze’s radio opera of the same title (NWDR 1953, 1993). The narration, its reworking as a libretto and its musical adaption in Henze’s radio opera is analysed interdisciplinary. The focus of the analysis lies on the characteristics of the genre radio opera and on Henze’s use of radio technique. So far unknown archive material from the Paul Sacher foundation (Basel) and the estate of Herbert Hübner (SUB Hamburg) shows, in what way Henze combines new radio technique with compositional techniques of the avant-garde by still following his traditional aesthetics.

Das Radio des Dissenses

Ute Holl: Das Radio des Dissenses
a contribution to, epd medien,
and „Welt-Macht“, a part of the series of radio programs: SWR2 Mehrspur. Radio reflektiert, Südwestrundfunk (SWR), July 9, 2017.

The desynchronization of nonlinear radio and the multiplication and differentiation of radio channels in times of the internet mainly produces consensus, but in ‚bubbles‘ that leave out nand keep out the other, the uncalculable, the noise. Taking the address of „Esteemed present and absent“ attendees - to whom Albert Einstein directed his opening speech for the 1930 german radio exhibition – as a starting point Holl argues for a radio of dissensus and of heterogeneity.

Ute Holl: Das Radio des Dissenses, in: epd medien 7 (February 16, 2018), 7-9.

The text as blog entry on

Audio on

On SWR2 Mehrspur

Radiophonics, Vol. 1: Radiophonic Cultures

Ute Holl (Hg.): Radiophonics, Bd. 1: Radiophonic Cultures, Heidelberg/Berlin: Kehrer Verlag 2018.

Volume 1: Radiophonic Cultures

The term radiophonics evokes a double structure: Equipment and sound, technology and music, transmitting and speaking, sending and the sent, carrier frequency and audio signal, immateriality and materiality of communication, and also the institution of radio and " Magic on the Air" (Hans Flesch). Radiophonics addresses a mutually parasitic relationship between the technical and the human in general. Radiophonie is always experimental, because the composition of sounds in this double constellation always leaves a gap for the unpredictable, the coincidental, the accident as sound or noise. At the same time, Radiophonie addresses a phenomenon that belongs to the most uncanny of media cultures: something is transmitted wirelessly, through nothing, and yet reaches everyone who carries a "small box" - as Bertolt Brecht's song says - even on the run, in order to receive voices and noises from others.
The contributions to this volume are documenting the research on radiophonics in the field between musicology, radio research and media theory.

Texts by Andrea F. Bohlmann, Camilla Bork, Stefanie Bräuer, Simone Conforti, John Dack, Angela Ida de Benedictis, Ole Frahm, Marcus Gammel, Tobias Gerber, Maren Haffke, Ute Holl, Wolfgang Hagen, Tetsuo Kogawa & Jan Philip Müller, Julia Kursell & Armin Schäfer, Colin Lang, Eva Meyer, Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung, Eran Schaerf, Matthias Schmidt, Bernhard Siegert, Antje Tumat.

Radiophonie. Forschungen für ein kommendes Radio

Ute Holl: Radiophonie. Forschungen für ein kommendes Radio, in: Ludolf Kuchenbuch & Jan-Friedrich Missfeld (ed.): Historische Anthropologie. Kultur - Gesellschaft – Alltag, 22 (2014),3 ("Sound"), 426-435.

The article outlines the conceptual framework of the interdisciplinary research project Radiophonic Cultures - Sonic environments and archives in hybrid media systems.


Von den alten und neuen Meistern der Radiokunst

Hörspielmagazin: Von den alten und neuen Meistern der Radiokunst (Sabine Küchler), Deutschlandfunk, January 2, 2016.

In the January issue of the Deutschlandfunk program on radio drama "Hörspielmagazin" Prof. Nathalie Singer talks about the interdisciplinary research project Radiophonic Cultures.

See and listen (in German) on